Comment: ahhh ty for your sweet swap - nat is stoked for more tea and your message was very kind and inspiring - somedays I want to give up on my fertility journey but things like your message help me keep hope - I'm getting ready to start my second round of IVF hoping this is the last =)
Comment: Hi Aimee! Thank you for the Halloween goodies!
I play video games as much as I can...I have an older PlayStation and I still have a Wii that I actually use quite a lot. I like the Wii because I can play/compete with the kids and the games aren't too hard for them. I don't know what I will do when it finally dies. It will be a sad sad day!
Happy Halloween! Happy swapping! š»š
Comment: Thank you so much for all the goodies. You have done fine. I use lots of note paper and are always up for recipe cards Look up what to make with an index card lots of fun
Comment: Thank you so much !!! I never heard of Katsucon! I'll ask my husband if he wants to go next year! Oh! I went to Japan this spring, oh man! It's heaven there. Do you have an online store for your merch? Take care always!!