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Response: Nothing melted with +29? I will never understand HOW, but that's cool.
I hope you like (love) the Milka! We got more flavours here, so for a "Part 2" I can sent you different ones.
Response: I'm happy to hear you like my candy! But a larger private swap will be something for later this year, since I don't seem to have the time to do one in the coming few weeks.
Response: Great to hear you liked it!
Response: I'm always trying to do the best I can.
I hope you enjoy the candies!
Response: you're not the first one who doesn't like energy drinks, but has that 'wow' when seeing my collection.
even with that old youtube link. it shows about 200 or 300 cans or so I think. now imagine double of that, and you're close to what I got now
Response: Great to hear you like it! A lot of these songs came from a webradio I listen to a lot. Google for Hardrockradiolive and I'm sure you'll find it.