Fives ratings for Skyfire
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Response: My hubby has been telling about the hypnobabies. I am still doing some looking around on it but it is looking like a great option! Thanks for the advice!
Response: OMG I so could not resist the crown!! that was my forviote thing to put in there. I was going to make it pretty but I couldn't find my paints when I got home so I left it blank!!
Response: I am so glad to see that you recived yours in good time!! I hope you enjoy! I was afread that it would get lost like the one I sent to Italy. She got it 3 months later!
Response: Well we bought all that before we remembered exactly what the swap was!! So we sent it all anyways!! We go a little over board with kids!!
Response: Lol I know how it is, my son checks the mail every day and gets very upset if there is nothing for him!!
Response: LOL tell him Silver says thanks. It took us awhile to come up with that one!!
Response: My kids really loved making them!!