Are you sure you want to signup for May Book Exchange + Chocolate Chip / Turtle Day?
Yes, sign me up! or No, I changed my mind.
For every book lover out there!
Please remember to put your likes in the comment section.
Minimum for this exchange is $20 not including shipping.
Minimum $10 + media shipping.
Thriftbooks minimum $15 for free shipping.
Warning: Used books should be in Good/Acceptable+ condition not falling apart, not torn up.
Check your partners preferences: should be in the comments below.
Go through the books you have laying around; see if they fit your partners preferences.
Then if you are okay with parting ways with these books please send them onto your partner.
Check your partners preferences.
Using Amazon/ or other bookstores you know of; find your partner a few fun books to read.
Don't forget that your partner might have wish lists.
Now this is where it might become complicated. You need to find out what your partner likes to read. So to help with that down below in the comments. You are going give just a quick run down of what you enjoy reading - remember profiles tend to help with this too.
Minimum $5 item
Try to match the theme if you can. Whether by matching the theme with a book or adding an item.
Please rate a 5 if you can see your partner took time to figure out what you like to read, doesn't mean you will love the book but it's in the correct genre. Give a heart where you think it's deserved.
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