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Date Joined: November 3, 2008
Last Online: November 24, 2017 Birthday: July 31, 1989 Country: United States My Deviant Art My Etsy Store My Amazon Wishlist Etsy wishlist Facebook Art Page |
IMPORTANT: All my artwork is ΓΒ© Me. In fact all everyone's artwork is ΓΒ© the original artist (whether or not they register it with the government, look it up). Don't incorporate it into your own work without permission. Just ask first, seriously, it's not that hard.
I'm a not-so-recent college graduate, art major (bet you could've guessed that one). I'm creative, intelligent and eccentric. I'm nerdy AND geeky (yes there is a difference). I like people but am not a people person. I'm too honest for my own good. I'm a realist. I'm hard to draw. I'm articulate and impulsive. I'm either extremely "quirky" or ever-so-slightly obsessive compulsive. I am pleasure-driven, but very rational in my quest for it. When faced with an absurdity, I respond with another absurdity, because that's the only logical response. I'm mature enough to know that I should continue to act immature for as long as I can get away with it. I have the demon-kitty critter thing that is my icon tattooed on my ankle. I'd rather people be honest than polite, and I'm nearly impossible to offend. There are three words that I will not use unless I mean them: Love, Hate, and Promise. I like fancy cheese.
I can angel most swaps that I host and if I can't I'll find someone who can. Let me know if this is necessary.
I'm interested in private trades for ATCs, just send me a PM if you'd like to trade ^_^
If you don't receive something from me, please let me know before rating. The post office isn't perfect, and I can re-send for most things. Thanks!
I usually send extras with my swaps. I try to cater them to people's profiles so they get things they like, so if it says "no extras" in the profile I'll see it and not send any. If I send anything you don't like/can't use, just forward it on to someone else with your next swap and maybe they'll be able to use it. And I'm not doing it for hearts so don't feel like you have to give one. Just hoping I can make people smile.
Also, if you're sending to me, and you're faced with a choice of doing a good job on your ATC/whatever and sending it late or doing a bad job and sending on time, I'd rather you sent late. To be honest I don't even notice when things are late most of the time, as long as it's by days rather than by weeks or months. I'd appreciate a PMed warning of lateness, of course. But don't be afraid I'll rate down for lateness. I'd only do that if it were really really late either with no communication/apologeticnesss or with BS excuses.
I really love this site, it's like christmas every day getting and giving things all the time. Thanks everyone ^_^
I have extremely eclectic taste in music. I like a little of everything, except for country and rap, but particularly like anything with fast violins, especially combined with more modern instruments and styles, and interesting vocal harmonies. My favourite bands right now are Enter the Haggis, Les Yeux Noirs, The Fratellis, The Decemberists, The New Pornographers, The Postal Service, and Mumford and Sons.
Books: The Princess Bride, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal, basically anything by Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker's Abarat series, and An Abundance of Katherines by John Green.
Plays: Any of Shakespeare's comedies, Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw, and Of Widows and Vegetables.
Comic books: Sandman, Bizenghast, Nightmares and Fairy Tales, Fables, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, From Hell, and Lost Girls.
Movies: The Princess Bride, Stardust, The Prestige, 10 Things I Hate About You, Dogma, Real Genius, Pan's Labarinth, Mirrormask, Paprika, The Secret of Kells, The Fall, and Cloud Atlas.
Videogames: Final Fantasy X, Okami, Legacy of Time, Syberia (1&2), Still Life, Portal, Zeus: Master of Olympus, and Bioshock Infinite.
Firefly, Warehouse 13, The Daily Show, Futurama, The Simpsons, Digging for the Truth, Mythbusters, Project Runway, Top Chef, Arrested Development, Flight of the Conchords, Dexter, Archer, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
ATCs done in collage, drawing or a combination thereof, inchies, artistamps, matchboxes, jewelry making and other metalworking. If you'd like to see some of my work, browse my gallery on deviantart, link above. I make a lot of steampunk jewelry, and some more basic jewelry as well, some of which is for sale in my etsy store (also link above). I also dabble in bookbinding, paper making, stamp carving and other forms of printmaking, polymer clay sculpture, and making zines.
Note: This is to give you an idea of the sort of thing that I like and would like to trade for, possibly in a private trade. Please don't interpret these as demands or a shopping list.
Steampunk (goes with the Victorian)
pocket watches and anything clockwork
History in general (ancient egypt, ancient greece/rome, medieval, renaissance, etc.)
Fairy-tales (though not Disney)
Mythology. Especially monsters.
tarot cards
top hats
Sakura (cherry blossoms)
Anatomy, organs, skeletons, dissection, etc.
freak shows, medical oddities, the grotesque and the bizarre.
antique medical/scientific instruments
peacocks (and peacock feathers)
crows, quetzals, and just birds in general
any mythological creatures (though not like super-cutesy/girly unicorns and fairies)
woolly mammoths
any long-extinct animal actually. Living fossils like coelacanths and horseshoe crabs are cool too.
Octopuses (and yes that is the proper plural, "octopi" bugs me because it's pluralizing a word with Greek roots as though it were Latin)
squid and nautilus
Jellyfish and Ctenophores (comb jellies. Look 'em up, they're really neat)
anything in the blue-green family
silver, brass, copper, all metallics
dark purple and green in combination
I'd love to get foreign candy that I've never tried before. There's an Indonesian hard candy called "nano nano" that I like and can't really get here so more of it would be very welcome. European chocolate is much better than anything we get here--I'm particularly fond of kinder chocolates. Also, interesting flavours of Pocky would be wonderful--my favourite is Mango, which I can't find anymore. I'd really like any mango candy, actually.
Anything maple or grapefruit (I just discovered tic-tacs come in grapefruit which makes me happy)
Toffee and caramel! Especially salt caramel.
I fell in love with Roast Chicken and Thyme flavoured potato chips (/crisps) when I was in Europe and I can't get 'em here
anything I've never tried before!
Anything involving the themes I like
Amazon and etsy wishlists are at top of profile--expensive stuff is just for inspiration purposes unless we're doing a really big private swap or something.
I always need more address labels
Clean animal bones, especially skulls (no harming animals please)
Glass bottles, jars, test tubes, particularly smallish and old fashioned looking.
Dead butterflies (only ones you found dead already please, don't hurt any)
longshot wish right now is for riker mounts or any other sort of display or shadowbox I could use to display butterflies.
Dead bugs of any kind (again, found dead only please)
Anything that would go well in a curio cabinet--unusual natural objects that I hadn't thought of yet.
anything to do with the 1893 Chicago World's Fair (World Colombian Exposition). I am borderline obsessed with it, it's the very first place I would go if I had a time machine.
Milagros--Especially body part and organ ones.
Washi tape, especially of a vintage-y sort.
Unused US postage stamps, old or new, in any amount-- the more I have, the more I can swap!
Used postage stamps, especially vintage. The older the better! I particularly like ones on any of the themes mentioned in the favorites lists above (especially airships and hot air balloons!) as well as ones with metallic elements/details, Irish stamps, japanese stamps, stamps from the Ottoman Empire, airmail stamps, and old bi-color stamps.
I have a lot of vintage US stamps at this point, so unless they meet one of the above themes/criteria or are -really- old (1930 or before) I don't need any more US ones.
glassine envelopes
Mail art
Artistamps/faux postage
Handmade postcards
-Any kind of art, really!
Vintage theme scrapbooking paper, particularly that with handwriting/text--even small pieces are great.
I still kinda like kawaii goodies but I'm not actively collecting it right now. I might try to swap off some of what I already have, but it does still generally make me smile.
Anything My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Only FIM though, not the old/classic stuff.
sealing wax (though not seals, I have a custom made seal and really don't use others)
amigurumi's and handmade stuffed animals look absolutely adorable, I love them, although I can not crochet or sew myself.
metal bits and shiny things, the older the better.
broken/junk jewelry to take apart, particularly cameos, cameo frames, and lockets. Not beaded, though, I have more than enough.
BPAL imps ears (particularly any from the steamworks collection)
Parts (or whole ones!) of broken mechanical clocks an watches. Not modern ones though--if it says "quartz" I probably can't use it for anything.
hand drawn things
ATCs, Inchies, Matchboxes, etc.
Old things, particularly Victorian era (or older),
Pennies (or whatever the smallest unit of coin currency is) from other countries (besides the US...and Canada, got plenty of those).
Old coins or paper money, US or otherwise.
vintage postcards and photos (reproductions are cool as long as they're nice prints, not all pixel-y)
pretty paper esp. fancy origami paper (yuzen/chiyogami) or other fancy papers from other countries.
pages from old sears & roebuck catalogs!
Books or book pages in other languages, or old book pages, particularly languages with a different alphabet from the Latin one (this one). I know this is a longshot, but I'd particularly like pages (or a book!) written in Thai, or in any african languages using non-Latin alphbets. or in any of these alphabets If you have access to books in any of those languages, I would love to do a private swap for one!
Note: I don't mean that I would be offended to receive any of these things, they're just probably not going to earn you a heart from me, though they won't keep me from giving one if I would anyway for the rest of the package. If I receive these things I will probably forward them on to someone who can make better use of them than me.
I have athsma! If you are a smoker, please include an unscented dryer sheet with your swap (some kind of baking soda packet might work a well) as that does a lot toward getting rid of the residual smoke (even if you don't smell anything I promise you, I can).
Strongly scented items in general, with the exception of citrus scents.
Holiday theme stuff, for the most part (I prefer classy to kitchy, and like dark things in general so some halloween stuff of the darker variety is cool)
"inspirational" quotes/words. They're so clichΓΒ© and overdone. You know, "Believe" and "Dream" and whatnot.
Loose glitter! Even on an ATC or something, I don't like the kind of glitter that falls off the card and gets on everything.
Not a big fan of pink or neon orange. Or of pastel colours in general, though all colours can be used well. With artwork, I'd rather see your vision than have you restrict it according to my color preferences. And my other preferences trump this one any day. However, that being said, *Pink is probably my least favourite colour--I am completely Not a girly-girl and only like it in cherry blossoms (and even then prefer mostly-white ones) Excessive pink like the barbie aisle in a toy store or like valentines stuff makes me cringe. In general I won't have any use for supplies or papers in these colors.
anything baby related or little-kid-y (except dinosaur stuff and kawaii). Not planning on having kids anytime soon (maybe in a decade or so. Maybe.) and don't even want to think about it.
Diddl and Moomin. See above.
candy-wise, I don't like anything coconut or banana or anything licorice/anise-y, or artificial cherry or grape flavoured, and I don't really like gum or gummies.
I don't drink coffee or tea and am not too fond of those flavours in other things.
I don't really use sewing stuff. Lace is ok, I use it for ATC stuff every now and then, but I don't really use buttons, thread, yarn, fabric, fibers, or even ribbons unless it's something really special.
Reiterating Buttons from the previous entry. People keep sending them because I guess for other people they are ATC supplies but for me they are not.
Beads, unless they're metal or something bizarre or special that I would work into a curio cabinet or steampunk jewelry. I don't really use most beads anymore though.
Scrapbooking die-cuts of flowers or anything equally generic, like letters, photo corners, etc. People keep sending me these and I don't know what to do with them. Alphabet anything, particularly.
I have too many stickers so with the exceptions of ones that fit aforementioned 'like' themes, I don't really need any more.
I'm not religious and have no intention of becoming so. I sometimes like religious imagery, but not when it's trying to convert me--for instance, I find images of demons and hell fascinating, but don't like being told I'm going to hell. I love medieval artwork, a lot of which is religious, but prefer people refrain from "praying for me." If you're sending me a christmas/holiday card for some reason, I would prefer a classy/old fashioned wise men or virgin and child than a cartoony secular snow man because my aesthetic sense trumps my lack of religion. Sorry if that's complicated/long winded, I hope it makes sense.
If you see anything here you are interested in and anything in the above wishlist section that you have and are willing to trade, PM me and we'll see about making a private trade. Note: Shipping costs are really an issue with me so I'd rather trade things in cheap-postage quantities.
Faux postage/artistamps
mail art surprises!
paper goods/supplies/kits for the above (I have a one inch square hole punch so cutting inchie blanks is easy for me as well).
Stamped images--my rubber stamp collection has really taken off. Especially if you want images from steampunk/victorian or slightly goth-y/dark stamps.
punchies/die cuts from decorative hole punches. Again, I have tons of variety of these.
ATC sleeves
used/vintage postage stamps
Handmade jewelry
handbound mini books (I often make them as small as one inch square)
Handmade pinback buttons/badges
marbles (though I'm leery of how much it would cost to ship a bunch of them)
Postcards: I have tons of freebie art postcards from art galleries.
Any candy or easily shipped food readily available in the US.
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Hosted |
5.0000 | 1395 | 239 | 264 |
Completed | Fives | Threes | Ones |
1017 | 1559 | 0 | 0 |
Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 | Uncategorized |
1 | 189 | 673 | 154 |
From Cheap Postage Group!
thank you muchly
for granting a cpg wish for me- yay for happy mail! :)
Thank you for all of the lovely Paris items you sent me for my May Wishlist at CPG. Also, thank you for the drawings. pobuffy
Just read your intro in The Otherworld forum. You had me at "hand-drawn tentacles."
So pleased to make your acquaintance!
Thank you for the postcard you sent to me as a December wish...it arrived this week. I hope you had a good start into 2015. All the best.
Thank you so much for the lovely December Wishes in the Wishlist Group. I love everything you sent-the wonderful gold doily, Victorian Santa images, the awesome Christmas stamps and of course, the washi samples. So kind of you! I hope you have a great day.
Thank you for the December wish! I love all the used stamps and the postcards, but I am especially in love with the little tiny watercolor you made. It's fantastic. I wish you a wonderful 2015! :)
I looked at your facebook page, your work is delightful!
Yes, I sent the smelly bug bits. I shudder to think of how stinky they must be by now. (: If I ever come across any more dead bugs I'll save them up for you.
Eons ago we did a swap where I sent you a bunch of dead bugs and random dead bug bits. I was curious if you ever figured out a use for them. :) I still love the squid brooch you sent <3