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Date Joined: July 28, 2011
Last Online: March 15, 2013 Birthday: October 12 Country: United States My Website |
I'm a 30 year old single mother, all out Beatles fan and Registered Nurse on Long Island, NY. I love cooking, reading, writing, my almost 14 year old son, playing board games, and traveling (although I don't get to do that nearly as much as I'd like). Interested in all things pregnancy and childbirth.
BEATLES! Anything and everything Beatles or individual members of the Beatles.
Make-up (soft pink or neutral tones)
Stationary (lined), especially with matching envelopes
Books (no sci-fi or true crime. prefer non-fiction, anectdote or quote books), nice bookmarks.
Mix CDs (love everything from Pearl Jam to Nas--just no country or heavy/death metal)
Guitar Picks. Not just regular ones, but ones with funky, colorful, unique designs on them. I'm currently learning how to finger the guitar (baby steps!) and so need as much motivation as possible. Lol.
Sparkly, different, odd, weird, unique stickers.
Candies (chocolates, taffies, gummies, unusual treats, but nothing sour or hot)
Cheap Jewelery (anklets and bracelets, no pierced earings)
Anything related to Pregnancy or Childbirth
RN/Nurse related items
Organic, recycled or all natural items
Mild scented candles (vanilla, cinnamon, cookie, clean laundry, etc), Nothing floral or heavily scented please.
Small cat toys for my kitten and cat--especially catnip. I love seeing them go bonkers. (Note: They don't like cat treats for some reason)
Nail polish--especially pinks and glitters
Religious Items/Tracts etc. Something with an angel or Goddess or something is fine, but nothing specific, no Bible quotes, nothing trying to convert me, stuff like that. I'm more spiritual than religious.
No sour, hot or spicy foods/candies.
Trinkets/things meant to just sit on my desk or a shelf. I live in a small apartment, so shelf/desk space is limited.
Racist, sexist, or otherwise ignorant materials
Disney. Aside from Cinderella, I'm just not a fan.
Strongly scented items--especially floral. A mild scent is okay (such as vanilla), but heavier smells can give me a Migraine.
Items with pet hair all over them. (if you have pets, that's fine, as long as you don't ship half of them with your swap!)
Anything that requires me to do crafts, as I have not a crafty bone in my body. :)
Make-up that is too "loud". I have fair skin and soft features, so bright colors just don't look right on me.
My son was born march 18th, 1999. He's a handsome (takes after Daddy, lol), smart (straight As), athletic boy.
He enjoys the following things:
Sports--especially football and basketball. His favorite teams are NY Giants, NY Knicks, NY Rangers and the NY Mets. He likes to collect and trade football cards.
Food--Sunflower Seeds,beef jerky, sucking candies (lollipops, suckers, mints), sour or spicy candies, and fruit roll-up type snacks. He has a special sweet spot for unique flavored gum (root beer float, flavor changing gum, etc)
Magic Tricks--Card tricks, tutorials, props, etc.
Science--Human anatomy and biology (wants to be a doctor when he grows up), experiments, etc.
Reading--Book marks, magazines (MAD magazine, sports magazines) joke books, age appropriate adventure and sci/fi stories, short story collections (especially scary stories!), non-fiction (World Records, Sports almanacs, "World's Strangest..." and the like) and comic books (especially Marvel, Simpsons, etc)
He does NOT enjoy: Stickers, math, age inappropriate materials (coloring books and such).
Uh-OH...Your package is late...Please send it ASAP.
Thanks for hosting the B&W PC swap!
Hi :) I've left two messages since June, and am still wondering if you received my sticker package. I really hope it got through, and am getting rather worried.
You should make another Goodie Package Swap soon! I missed it :(
Yay, they arrived and well worth the wait. Thank you for being an angel.
Congrats on winning WTA!
Thank you for the Great package! I enjoyed going through it today and appreciate the note. (I do not think I want to look behind my night stand, but maybe I should!) I love your labels! wink, wink.... I'll get these worked on this week and get you a little bit of something in the mail by Monday. Thank you!!!
look at you, with your popular swaps and whatnot
These are tips I used personally. Hard to adhere sometimes but when you see the extra saved at the end of the month it puts a little sunshine into your life.
Clear all your credit card bills You donΓ’β¬β’t need me to point out just how much interest the banks and credit card companies are bleeding out of you just by loaning you cash to use. Credit is not extra cash, itΓ’β¬β’s borrowed cash with a very high interest payback.
Never pay for anything at its full value Always shop around, there will be opportunities to get that item at a fraction of its cost. It may be just a tiny bit of savings but every penny counts at the end of the day. I eat out when restaurants are offerings specials, and buy what is on sale at the market, and I love those group deals sites that offer me the chance to try new places at a fraction of the cost.
Never buy what you can borrow IΓ’β¬β’ve stopped buying CDs, movies, magazines and books. These things clutter you up on top of being a strain on your pocket. Sure, it is unfair to the creators, artistes, authors but they are earning millions anyways, you arenΓ’β¬β’t so be kind to yourself please.
I'm your partner for "help your partners save money profile swap" My 3 ideas are...
When possible, bring your own coffee/lunch/etc. I used to get a coffee every day on my way to work, and I realized that I can save almost $25/week by making coffee either at home, or at work, instead of going to Dunkin Donuts. You can also save money by bringing left overs or sandwiches to work, rather than having to buy lunch daily.
Never give exact change when buying something. If something costs $3.03, give $4, and put the 97 cents in a jar. At the end of the month, look at all the money that added up!
Don't be afraid of thrift stores! I've gotten so many great crafting supplies at my local thrift store. And before I started swapping, I saved tons of money by going there for electronics, books, etc!
Good luck saving some money!