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Response: Thanks for flaking on me... I'm on a limited budget. Could of spent my28.00 plus s&h on someone who was deserving.....
Response: Tell your mom I'm so happy she enjoys them, I will send her more!! Also, thank you very much!!
Response: Thank you.. I'm off today and I'm getting ready to go ride chestnut now.. He is a beauty!! I hope the hubby enjoys the pie...
Response: Thank you pat, I'm glad you liked the atc.. Thank you for thinking of my family you're very kind..
Response: Your very welcome, I luv it when someone calls my packages happy mail... That's the whole reason I started swapping!! Thank you..
Response: Thank you!! I'm learning..I may send you another one in a few months so you can see my progress!!
Response: Your welcome- I'm so pleased you like your package... :)
Response: Thank you & that was my first homemade tiny envelope.. Glad you liked it, now I'm gonna make a bunch of them to put atc cards in!! :)
Response: Thank you, I have no idea what I'm doing, I just know there fun as heck to make... It takes me forever I admit but ( to come up with an idea ) and then to actually make it.. Lol..but I'm getting there, I've made 7 so far!!
Response: Your welcome.. Enjoy!!
Response: Thank you- I'm starting my third one now.. Don't know what I'm doing, I signed up for a drawing and painting class but it was delayed until after school started. Soo, truly the only thing I can draw is like a stick person!! Thank you for your response- it made me a little less insecure... Lol..
Response: I'm glad you liked the bookmark and a private swap would be great!! Just let me know when you want to do one!!
Response: im so glad you finally got it and liked it.... thank you so much !!!
Response: thank you very much, im sorry you had to be the first one!! lol
Response: Susan, I'm glad you liked it.. I received your message the other day and I thank you for being so kind about the wrapping!! Riley ( my little autistic one ) is my nephew.. I help my brother take care of him and my house is like his second home!! Just like Arabella he luvs it when a package comes in the mail, and oviously * he gets a kick out of sounds like your sister has her hands full!! God bless her!! Maybe one day you would like to do a private swap for fun??? I've received 2 packages so far and both were junk.. I'm being really nice when I say junk.. It went in the trash.. I'm going to try a couple more swaps and if I have the same results I'm only going to do private swaps. I am not a greedy person at all, I luv to give, but when you really put some thought and time to make your partner happy and then you get a package without any thought and just a bunch of actual junk - yes it's very discouraging. I hope this message finds you well... Vickie-Daffyrocks
Response: Thank you & I hope you feel better!!
Response: Thank you so much, I'm glad u had a nice day off, everyone needs a lazy day at least once a week I think.. Enjoy the postcards!!