Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: So glad you liked it! :)
Response: Grazie mille! <3
Response: Grazie mille!!!
Response: è un piacere scriverti cartoline :)
Response: Thanks for the rating and comment for my Poland PC, so happy you liked it!
Response: Thank you so much! So glad you liked my PC
Response: Wow! Lots of animals in the sorroundings :)
Thank you for rating and comment
Response: Oh che cara sono contentissima ti sia piaciuta! Al prossimo swap ;)
Response: Of course she did! We went to Alpe Devero and it was amazing! Thank you for your comment and rating :)
Response: Thank you! So glad you liked it!
Response: Yeah we finally travelled to the mountains and see snow! Also went down with bobsled :) lots of fun!
So glad you like the PC, ciao!
Response: Thank you so much, so happy you liked it!
Response: Thank you for your comment, I hope I can visit Colorado soon and maybe see some beautiful Hawks and Kestrels :)
Response: So happy you liked it!
Response: Wow! Thank you!
Response: Grazie a te! Oh no what a pity 🙁
Happy holidays!
Response: Ciao Elisa grazie a te! Buone feste!
Response: Thank you! I have visited the house of Napoleon in there, very interesting! Happy holidays ☺️
Response: Thanks Carola! So happy you like it!
Response: So happy you liked it! <3
Response: Amazing! I also like peacocks :)
Response: So glad you enjoy!
Response: Oh WOW! I'm so happy :)
Response: Oh no che peccato! Mi spiace davvero tanto che l'abbiano strappata! 😢 Però sono contenta che, nonostante tutto, ti sia piaciuta 🤩
Response: Che bello! Sono molto contenta che ti sia piaciuta 😀
Response: Ma che bello! Sono contenta ti sia piaciuta e che anche tu apprezzi la cultura nipponica 😊