All ratings for Nika
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Response: You mean, the original??!! That means, the second, the resent one is yet to come.
Response: Én már rádleltem pár héttel ezelőtt.Egy korábbi naplóban láttam a Te bejegyzésedet.S ami még érdekes, h jómagam Gyöngyössolymoson éltem korábban. Üdv, Nika
Response: You're welcome! We both are in Europe, that's why so fast is.
Response: I'm looking forward to hearing about you!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: Thank you for the 5. I will be more careful but don't really know how to be more careful in the matter of postage/ delivering. I'm angry because can not do anything if somebody opens my envelope and steals or causes damages my gifts.
Response: you are welcome
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: you're welcome.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that you like my package.
Response: Oh, I can't believe it!!! I sent it almost 2 months ago! I thought you would give me a 1 because of the missing swap. I'm so glad you got it.
Response: thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: It was my pleasure to share the view.
Response: thanks. Shaluna, I think I haven't got yor email yet.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I thought of your daughters too. New Zealand is so far from Hungary , yet you have received the package. Unfortunately I haven't received my one. :-(
Response: You're welcome.
Response: I have 2. You can see up in my profile.
Response: Your're welcome.
Response: Oh it's great. You're the second who is a little bit Hungarian here from the USA. If I understood well your mom's father was/is Hungarian.... Vac is not far from the village I live, about 70 kms.
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you received my first swap! I was excited and hoped you would like it! It was really a fast mail. Hope I'll receive my one soon.