Comment: Great card, Siggi - thanks very much! Some people don't like multi-views, but I do. This one makes a good addition to my German collection. I am on postcrossing also and know that the top three I think it is worldwide postcrossers are from Germany-is one of those you by chance? I got postcrossing cards today in the mail from Siberia (Russia) and Belarus (they are big postcrossers too, I'm sure you know). The Belarus card had a stamp put out specifically for postcrossing (it's very colorful and says 'Happy Postcrossing' on it) which I thought was really cool. Thanks again! Carol in Colorado, USA
Comment: Your postcard finally arrived - 3 August (due date was 15 May) - but since you have explained to me why it is late - I am rating it a '5' Thank you for the card.
Response: We had a strike at the mail for a long time. I write the date on card. I sent it in time.
Comment: I usually check and see who is sending to me in these swaps so I know kind of what to expect. I must have forgotten with this one so I was pleasantly surprised to get one from Bavaria!! Love it! Thanks!
Comment: Thanks for the PC. ItĂ´s beautiful and you where very fast in sending it ( i havenĂ´t send mine yet ). I sure would like to know Bavaria. Maybe some day.
Comment: Danke fĂÂźr die tolle Mustang Postkarte <3
Ich bin frĂÂźher geritten und hatte ein eigenes Pferd, aber heute fehlt mir leider die Zeit und das Geld dafĂÂźr. ...Viele liebe GrĂÂźĂŸe aus Berlin :) Jana