Fives ratings for Chaar
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Response: You welcome. you 2. Have a beautiful day.
Response: You welcome. Have a healty nice and love year 2023.
Response: You for the 5 Have a nice day. greetinfs
Response: Thank you Happy Hollidays warm Wishes.
Response: Thank you.. Happy Holidays and a beautiful Year with love and Happiness!
Response: glad the card arrived. You welcome Happy Holidays,love Chaar
Response: Thank you glad the card arrived. Merry Christmas and a beautiful year.
Response: Hello Thank you for you message. You welcome Happy Hollidays
Response: You welcome. thank you for the message! Have a nice day.
Response: Hello thank you for the message. Merry Christmas,
Response: Thank you for your message. I had a nice holiday, hope you too. Happy New year. Love Chaar
Response: glad the card has arrived!.thank you for the message 5 heart.greetings
Response: I work with christmas in a nurcing home. i was on vacation with my family and the dogs. walked a lot enjoyed nature, and each other. Happy new year!
Response: You welcome. Happy New year 2022!
Response: You welcome Thanks for the 5 heart. Happy New Year
Response: I'm glad you got the card. thank you for your message and the heart. nice days
Response: You welcome Thanks for the message en 5 heart Merry Christmas
Response: Thank you for the heart. Happy Holidays! . Nice swap i love tea.
Response: Hello Thank you for the heart! You welcome . Happy Holidays love Chaar
Response: Hoi Annelies, Zeker een rare tijd wens je toch fijne dagen geniet van elkaar! liefs
Response: fijn dat het goed is aangekomen.graag gedaan fijne feestdagen!
Response: You welcome thank you for you message. Happy Holidays.
Response: Hello maddashin thank you wish you a beautiful year.
Response: Thank you Happy New Year!
Response: Hello Thank you for the 5 Happy New Year. beautiful year
Response: Graag gedaan. bedankt voor de hart en 5. Mooi jaar toegewenst.
Response: thank you for the rating. merry christmas to you and a beautiful year.
Response: You welcome. Have a nice christmas and a beautiful year 2021
Response: You welcome thanks for the message. 5 heart.
merry christmas beautiful year .
Response: Thank you for the message. You welcome have a beautiful christmas love Chaar
Response: Thank you have a beautuful year!
Response: Thank you for th message, Happy Holidays. beautiful 2020!
Response: Hello Taledo
Thank you for the message. and the heart. Have a nice day merry christmas
Response: Your welcome. Thank you for the heart
Response: Hello Snuppy you welcome have a beautiful day. thank you for the heart
How was the tea?
You welcome
greetings Chaar
Response: Thank you for the message. 5 an heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: You welcome. thanks for the 5 heart!
Thanks for your message. Glad the mail arrived well. You welcome
Response: Hello.
Thanks for your message. Glad the tea arrived well.
Response: Thank you for the 5 and the heart.
Have a nice day!
Response: a new card has been put on the bus, and hope it will arrive soon.
Response: Thank you for the messge. 5 heart.
have a nice day!
Response: You welcome thanks for the 5 heart.
Nice year1
Response: Thank you . Have a beautiful year 2019.
love Chaar
Response: Here my late reaction. thanks for your message, heart and the 5
Response: Have a beautiful year 2019.
Thanks for the message,
greetings Chaar
Response: Here my late reaction. thanks for your message, heart 5.
wish you a nice year
Response: thanks for the comment.
I will think about it!
Response: You welcome
Merry christmas
Love Chaar
Response: Thank you for the 5 hear..
love Chaar
Response: Thank you for the 5!
Response: nice that my mail has arrived.
Merry christmas
Love Chaar
Response: Thank you for the message and the 5 heart. :)
Response: Merry christas for you cats.
greetings Charon,
Response: You 2 for the 5 heart
Happy Holidays
Response: Thanks for the 5 heart. Merry christmas.
Response: Thank you verry much. you welcome love charon
Response: Thanks for the message!
Response: You welcome.
thanks for the sweet message!
Response: Thank you for the message. 5 heart. Merry christmas and a beautiful year.
Response: :-) christmas with love and joy!
Response: Fijn dat de kaart is aan gekomen. bedantk voor je heart fijne dagen toegewenst, Leuk dat ik een kaart mocht sturen in eigen land.
Response: Thank you for the 5 Merry christmas and a beautiful year. greetings Chaar
Response: Thank you for the 5 Merrt christmas love Chaar
Response: Thank you for having arrived!
You welcome.
Merry christmas and a beautiful year. 2019.
Response: Thank you for you sweet message and the 5 heart.
Love Chaar
Response: You welcome
Thank you for having arrived,
Response: Hello Thank you for the message.
5 and the heart.
Merry christmas tot you!
Response: Fijn dat de kaart goed is aan gekomen! Graag gedaan liefs Chaar
Response: nice that it is well arrived! Merry christmas love Chaar
Response: Hi, Thank you for the the nice message.
Wish you a beautiful christmas with you grandma. greetings Chaar
Response: i like it to merry christmas.
Response: Thanks for the heart and the 5
Response: you welcome. thanks for the 5
Response: You welcome... Greetings Chaar
Response: thank you for the heart.
Love Chaar
Response: nice that it is well arrived., you welcome love Chaar
Response: Thank you for the message and the 5 heart.. Have a nice day
Response: Hello You welcome. have a nice day greetings Chaar
Response: How nice that the good has come. and that you like it.
Thank you very much.
Love Chaar
Response: That is nice, happy swapping
Response: you welcome thanks for the heart and the 5
Response: graag gedaan fijn dat je het leuk vind.
Response: You welcome . thank you for a 5 heart.
love Chaar
Response: Gelukkig meid fijn dat het goed is aan gekomen! :-)
Response: Fijn dat het goed is aan gekomen.:) You welcome greetins chaar
Response: Fijn dat het goed is ontvangen!
Response: You welcome thanks for the 5 and the heart. have a nice day greetings chaar
Response: Thank you for the message. How was you valentine day? greetings Chaar
Response: You welcome thank you
Response: nice that the package has arrived well.
Thank you for you 5 and heart.
a lot of luck love Chaar
Response: You welcome. have a nice day!
the high tea was successful with my girlfriends
Response: You welcome!
greetings Chaar
Response: You welcome have a nice day greetings chaar
Response: Thank you for the 5 and heart.
you welcome
have nice day
Response: nice that it is well arrived!
Happy swapping
Response: Thank you for the 5 and heard.
Have a beautiful day.
greetings Charon,
Response: nice that the card has arrived. have a wonderful day
 love chaar
Response: Graag gedaan. fijn dat de kaart goed is aan gekomen!
Response: nice that you have received the card. have a nice day love Chaar
Response: You welcome. nice that you have received the card.
Response: Hello
You welcome thanks voor de heart and the 5 . have a nice day.
Response: Thank you for the 5 heart. have a nice day greetings chaar
Response: that sounds like fun
thank you for the message, have a nice day love chaar
Response: You welcome! Happy day greetings Chaar
Response: Thank you for having fun!
greetins Charon
Response: Thank you for the message and the 5 heart!
greetings Charon
Response: Hello you welcome thanks for the message
Response: thank you for the 5 heart! have a nice day
Response: thankk you for the message. i was dinner with my parents with christmas. have a nice day
Response: You welcome.
Beautiful year 2018
Response: Happy newyear 2018.
Response: Yes i have a wonderful christmas.
Happy Newyear
Response: You welcome
Happy newyear
Response: Graag gedn. fijn dat het goed is aan gekomen . fijne jaarwisseling!
Response: graag gedaan! fine jaar wisseling
Response: Fijn dat je de kaart goed is aangekomen, en dat je het leuk vind! fijne dagen ramona! x
Response: Thank you for the message. Merry christmas . love chaar
Response: fijn dat de kaart goed is aangekomen fijne dagen. liefs dankje voor de 5. en de hart
Response: Graag gedaan! bedankt fijne dagen
Response: Hoi , sorry fijn dat je mij heb gevonden.bedankt voor de 5 groetjes Charon
Response: Thank you for the heart and the 5.
Response: Thank you for the hard and the 5!
Response: Thank you for the 5 and the heart.
Greetings Chaar
Response: Graag gedaan! Jij ook happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the 5 and the heart!
Love Chaar
Response: You're welcome.How was you christmas day?Love Chaar
Response: Thank you for the 5 and the heart.
Have a nice day Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome
Thank you for the 5 heart.
Happy swapping.
Response: Happy New Year.
I wish you love, happiness and health!
Love Chaar
Response: Thank you for the 5 heart!
Have a nice day.
Love Chaar
Response: It does not matter what it is later.
Thank you for the 5 and the heart.
Greetings chaar
Response: It does not matter what it is later.
Thank you for the 5 and the heart.
Have a nice day.
Greetings Chaar
Response: Hello You're welcome.
How was your holidays?
Greetings Chaar
Response: You're welcome.
Thanks for the 5 and the heart Have a nice day.
Love chaar
Response: Hello
You're welcome.
Have a nice day!
Response: You're welcome.
How were your holidays?
Response: You're welcome!
Thank you for the heart and the 5!
Response: You're welcome,
Have a nice day!
Love Chaar
Response: You're welcome
I've had great holidays an you?
Love Chaar
Response: Hello Thank you for the heart and the 5.
I've had great holidays!
Response: Hello
Thanks for you heart and the 5.
Merry christmas happy holidays!
Response: you're welcome.
Have a Wonderful christmas!
Response: you're welcome.Thank you for the 5 heart.
Greetings Chaar
Response: Graag gedaan Sonja!
Response: you're welcome.
glad you find the card cute.
Merry Christmas!
Response: you're welcome..
Thank you for you sweet message. heart 5. Love Chaar
Response: Fine family tradition. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thank you for the 5 heart Love Chaar
Response: Thank you so much.
Happy holidays.
Merry christmas love Chaar
Response: you're welcome.
Thank you for the 5 hear merry christmas
Response: you're welcome. glad you find the card cute. Merry Christmas!
Response: you're welcome.Love Chaar.
Response: Hi
Glad it arrived safely!
Thanks for the heart and the 5 .
Greetings Chaar
Response: Hello Inger71.
you're welcome.
Thank you for the 5 heart.
Response: Hello Sarah Thank you for the 5 heart!
Response: you're welcome,
Thank you for the 5 and heart.
Love Chaar
Response: you're welcome.
fine it arrived correctly..
Have a nice day.
love charon
Response: you're welcome.
Happy Holidays
Love Charon
Response: Hello Jenm487
you're welcome.
Thanks for the 5 heart.
Greetings chaar
Response: you're welcome.
Have a nice day,
greetings chaar
Response: you're welcome.
Thank you for the 5 heart.
nice that it has arrived safely.
Response: you're welcome!
nice that it has arrived safely.
Response: Glad you like the card cute!
Response: you're welcome.
Happy Holidays!
Response: nice that it has arrived safely.
Thank you for the 5 an the heart.
Have a Wonderful Christmas.
Response: You're welcome thank you for the message. en de 5 heart!
Happy Holidays. greetings Chaar
Response: Dank je wel voor je bericht!
Merry christmas and a Happy New year! groetjes Charon
Response: Hello Creeny
You're welcome! I like the sweet cat!
Have a nice day and Happy Holidays.
Love Charon
Response: Hallo Marleen, Dankje wel voor je 5 hart. Sorry ben ik vergeten fijn dat je mij heb gevonden..
Fijne vakantie groetjes Chaar
Response: Thank you for the 5 and the heart! Have a nice day greetings Chaar
Response: Thank you for the 5 Hace a nice day greetings Chaar
Response: Thanks for the sweet message. Have a nice day Greetings Chaar
Response: Graag gedaan bedankt voor de 5 en de hart. Groetjes charon
Response: Fijn dat je het leuk vin bedankt voor de 5! xx
Response: Thank you for you sweet message.
Happy Holidays! love Chaar
Response: Hello
Thanks for the message.
Wish you a happy christmas time.
love Chaar
Response: Hello,
Thanks for you message and the heart!
Glad the card arrived correctly.
And you can find the Christmas card cute. LoveGlad the card arrived correctly.
And you can find the Christmas card cute love Charon
Response: :) Thank you for you 5 Happy New year greetings chaar
Response: Graag gedaan happy new year!
Response: You welcome!
greetings Chaar
Response: you welcome!
happy holidays
love chaar
Response: 'Hi Bebeboo,
Thank you for the heart!
Fine that you like the surprise!
Happy Holidays.
Love Chaar
Response: Hello
Happy Holidays.
You welcome.
Greetings Chaar
Response: Thank you snailmailer!
Wonderful christmas! :)
greetings Chaar
Response: ;) Hello Thank you Happy hollidays!
Response: Thank you for the 5 and the heart.
Fine that you like the card.
Response: You welcome
Happy Christmas and a wonderful year.
Response: You 2!
greetings Chaar
Response: Hello Dancingtree,
You welcome.Fine that you'll like..
Happy holidays! Greetings Chaar
Response: Hello,
You welcome! Happy Holidays!
Response: Hello Thank you for you 5 and heart!
Have nice day !
Response: Hello
You welcome!
Have a nice day xx
Response: You welcome .. Greetings Chaar:)
Response: Fijn dat je de kleur mooi vind Happy swapping
Response: Thank you for the five and the heart!
Response: Hello Ezzi,
You welcome.
Happy swapping!
Greetings Chaar
Response: Hi,
You welcome!
glad you like the nailpolisch beautiful.
Greetings Chaar
Response: Hi,
I wish you to Happy Holidays!
Thanks for you 5 and heart.
Love Charon,
Response: Hello:) You welcome.
Thanks for the 5 heart! Greetings Chaar
Response: Hello,
You welcome .
Happy swapping greetings Chaar
Response: Hi ,
You welcome Happy swapping! greetings Charon
Response: Thank you for you message, 5 heart!
Greetings Charon
Happy Swapping
Response: Hello,
Thanks for you 5 Greetings Chaar
Response: Glad you liked it! Happy Swapping! greetings Chaar.
Response: you welcome.,.. Happy swapping! greetings Chaar
Response: ;) Glad that you like the green thee.
Response: Hello, You welcome.
Happy swapping,
greetings Charon
Response: Hallo Ina
fijn dat het pakje goed is aan gekomen.
Graag gedaan!
Response: You welcome! :)
Response: Hello, Thanks for the 5 heart Have a nice day greetings Chaar
Response: Hello Micnt,
You welcome! :) love Charon.
you2 Happy swapping
Response: You welcome. Fine that is a good color for you...:) Greetings Charon. xx
Response: Hello Miia,
You welcome,
I am Happy with the 5 heart.
Response: Graag gedaan! Bedankt voor je 5 en je hart!
Fijne swap.. Groetjes Chaar,
Response: Hi gea Graag gedaan! Fijn dat je het leuk vind.
Gezellige swaps x chaar
Response: Hey,
Fijn dat de tapes leuk vind!
dank je wel voor de 5 en hart
liefs Chaar
Response: Thanks for the five, greetings Chaar
Response: you welcome. Happy Newyear !
Response: Thanks i wish you Happy New year
Response: You welcome, Happy holidays. and a beautiful year with many postcards!!
greetings Chaar.
Response: Hi you welcome. Greetings Chaar
Happy Hollidays!
Response: hi honeysmama you welcome.
have a nice day love chaar
Response: Hi Saskia
You welcome.
I am verry happy to hear that you have recieved the card
Thanks for the 5 and the heart,
love Chaar
Response: Hello Atravis thanks for you 5!
greetings Chaar,
Response: Hello trishaj,
Thanks for you 5 and heart
i wish you 2 happy holidays
love Chaar,
Response: Hello Happymama,
How are you?
I am verry happy to hear that you have recieved the package .Happy Hollidays, Happy newyear!
love Chaar
Response: Hi thanks for you 5 and the heart, :)fine that you like the card. so sweet. have a nice day greetings Chaar,
Response: Hello, Thanks for the five, Have a nice day love Chaar
Response: graag gedaan.:)
Response: you welcome,:) love Chaar,
Response: Hello Linda you welcome, greetings Chaar,
Response: :) i like flowers, thanks for the five,
Response: sweet puppies:) you welcome. :) greetings,
Response: graag gedaan ! we hebben heerlijk weer lekker van genieten dankje voor je 5. xx chaar,.
Response: Graag geaan! Ben blij dat je het leuk vind. thanks voor de hart x
Response: Hoi meid ja het is rozekwarts fijn dat je het leuk vind.. ik heb er zelf ook een. :) xx
Response: Thanks for the heart and the Five!
Response: Fine that you like the letter and the tea. ..
Response: Hello :)
Fine that you like the card!
Response: I am happy woman
Nice that the card is good to come that you like the the netherlands card ;)
Response: I'm glad you like the stickers!
thanks for the 5 heart!:)
Response: Hello Fine that the card is good to come! greetings charon
Response: Hello. Hema is a good brand. I hope you find it good. The colours are good? I love it!
Response: Nice that the card is good to come to you. charon.:)
Response: i like it to love flowers
Response: I'm glad you like it! thanx so much for your heart!
have fun with it
love Chaar
Response: Hoi Annelies,
Graag gedaan! ik vond het ook zo schattig hondje.
Thanks voor de hart.
liefs Chaar
Response: Hello Bettina
Nice that the card has arrived.!:)
I am pleased with your tips.
You 2 Happy swapping.
Response: Hi,
Thank you for your post.
Nice that you found a cool card.Funny that you live in a Dutch town.:)
Take care greetings Chaar.
Response: Nice that you like the card! :)sweet dog. Have a nice day
Greetings Chaar
Response: Hello,
I look forward to your letter!!
Could you understand me ?My English is not so good.
love Chaar
Response: Nice that my letter is good to come to you! :-) greeting Chaar
Response: Hoi Desiree graag gedaan! ik ben blij dat je de kaart mooi vind.
Liefs Chaar x
Response: Hello,
glad you like it! :-)
I find they are so cute, and myself have a sheet held.
greetings Chaar,
Response: Graag gedaan ben blij dat je het leuk vin! -xx-