Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Can you give me a little more time on the ATC? I am going through multiple stressors right now and am happy to send screenshots of texts to my family regarding my fatherās hospitalization, my partner of 7 yrsā abrupt refusal to marry and - as of today - 10 days of absolute silence - correspondence with my co-worker re coverage for her month long sabbatical, and correspondence with my Kaiser psychiatrist re: additional stressors (ie chest pain and severe migraines). I will redact contact information but include names to reassure you of their authenticity. I am seriously struggling to keep it together right now, so whatever I can possibility supply to remove the 1 and stop sobbing in the bathroom at the low-income mental health clinic where I work, just let me know.
Thank you,
Response: No worries, check them out if you are so inclined - if you do not, you will not hurt my feelings!
Response: Rad! I legit wanna know if you watch anything on there that speaks to you.
Response: You are probably right, though I can't place it, either. I used to trade mixes through Nervousness, too. I miss mix exchanges.
Response: If you have ever come across them unexpectedly they are pretty intimidating š
Response: I've had pet rats, too, they are honestly very nice pets.
Response: You are welcome - I had to mail your card separately so it didn't get crushed!
Response: No worries! The Innocents, Kwaidan, and Call of Cthulhu aren't gory. Kwaidan has a couple artsy, unrealistic set pieces depicting ancient Japanese battles, otherwise it's all atmosphere. The Eclipse and Pontypool aren't gorier than, say, The Shining... I want to say AM 1200 isn't too bad either, but I'd need to rewatch it. The Babadook has one brief explicit bit near the end, but it's not a film I'd call gory.
Response: Ah, the insect candy... there is a place in Portland called *The Peculiarium* that is consistently a source of inspiration and delight.
Response: You're welcome! If you have to wrangle any children soon, the purple cocoa has been a big hit here. "IT's PuuurrRRPLEeeeeee!"
Response: I can make a separate list of strange awesome videos!
Response: I find the Henna Henna video pairs well with The Beastie Boys' "Body Movin':"
Response: Remember, try not to make eye contact!
Response: Created with X-acto blades and mild obsessive-compulsive tendencies. Yay!
Response: Aw! Let me know what *did* reach you - I should be able to replace.
Response: I do, too! I think that particular durian candy is pretty good - I've had some really terrible ones, though. Have you tried the kind that's like a little oblong piece of taffy, tastes mostly of coconut?
Response: You're welcome - let me know if you have any questions about the contents!
Response: Glad they finally arrived - hope you like 'em!
Response: *I've actually seen almost all of them*
Sweet! I tip my hat to you, sister, and the offer to send a revised list still stands.
Response: Cool - I hope you see something you like in there. Where did I find them... all over, really. I first saw The Devils in high school, when Lair of the White Worm and Altered States prompted curiosity in director Ken Russell. Black Night popped up as a Netflix recommendation. I've always been *interested* in movies, and while I've luckily lived near good art theaters and indie video stores (through which I found magazines like Film Threat and Asian Cult Cinema) most of my life, I think the Internet - which I'm pretty sure helped kill a couple video stores I liked! - makes that unnecessary. I'd say just find a couple film blogs you like and pop on 'em a couple times a month! Some of the films I mentioned are pretty easy to find, too - Suddenly, Last Summer plays on Turner Classic Movies fairly often.
Response: Great! What's the time-frame on your movie postcard collage? Would you like more?
Response: Awesome! I just noticed that its little title label was left on my table - it's called "You're My Dainty Little Flower." I am all for releasing the cards into the wild, bit I won't feel bad if you decide to hold 'em.
Response: You're welcome! I want a full report on that pudding - I bought a box for myself at the same time but haven't tried it. I meant to draw the infinity symbol in the notably blank space where it suggests an expiration date....
Response: Thanks! The cover entailed more time than I care to say with an X-Acto blade and a pair of surgical scissors; the interior jumping rabbit images were borrowed from another piece, for another swap. Let me know if you'd like any more info on the artists/songs.
Response: You're welcome - I'm increasingly impressed by that director. Without posting a massive spoiler, did you think the twist was believable, or see it coming?
Response: You're welcome - if you have a chance, could you please PM me the recipe for that similar bread? Fall's coming, and I like to busy myself with baking once the weather allows it. :)
Response: Delivery confirmation # is 0308 1400 0001 7694 6609 - PMing you shortly. I am very, very sorry this has been such a disappointment, if not disaster, for us both... I never meant to let anyone down. Please let me know if/when it arrives as I have decided to leave the site soon.
Response: Thank *you* for waiting so long! I'm glad you liked them.
Response: Sweet, thanks for your patience - let me know which ones you end up renting (if any), I am just curious.
Response: Thanks! Glad you liked it. I just noticed I sent a B&W print-out of the ice cream picture, after noting its lovely color. So, if you like, I can post a picture of the little bowl of cranberry ice cream... to prove I have not gone completely insane.
Response: I agree - I am totally sincere when I say that clip makes me feel like cheering!!
Response: Heh... I would not mind hearing recommended MI-based bands; I'd sort of stopped paying attention for a couple years and wasn't going to many shows. It seems like garage rock ala The Dirtbombs and The Detroit Cobras is where it's at now, too, and while I don't dislike that style of music, I don't really seek it out. As for not being as indie as you thought - there is... simply **so much out there** you're never really going to be aware of *most* of it. If you listen to music via the computer, check out WCBN fm Ann Arbor ( and WFMU fm East Orange ( Keep an eye on shows happening at Bohemian National Home, MOCAD, and even mostly-rock venues like The Magic Stick, Smalls, and The Elbow Room - if any band's name or description sounds remotely interesting, see if you can find them on or if they have a myspace page with mp3s. Link-hop to related artists. Just keep looking/listening around.
Response: Ah, good! Finally. No doubt you've already heard much of it, but still... good.
Response: Cool! I don't think I threw any photos into that envelope, so let me know if you want me to send any of those, too.
Response: I bet that bacon smell comes from the lapsang souchong, which is a really smoky tea (and that sample is from a "heavy smoke" batch)!
Response: No worries, thanks for fixing that!
Response: I called into 7 Second Delay on Halloween for "trick-or-treating by radio" - you e-mailed them a picture of yourself in costume and they sent you candy, and apparently bumper stickers. If you go to the WFMU blog there's a picture of me in a homemade dragon costume from when I was, like, 8. And what candy did they send me? A KIT-KAT!
Response: I forgot to tell you that the little hamster and the CDs arrived safely! Thanks again!
Response: AhahahHA HEE HEE HA haha haw...
Yeah, I got on a serious paper mache tear and couldn't stop. By the way, when I *was* in Portland, I did how-to demos on paper mache, so I'd be happy to show you what I know!
Response: I think I sent you a few of the new-ish RED BEAN White Rabbit candies... we've got mango and the original sweet milk flavored ones around here, too. Hope you like 'em!
Response: Har! You are only saying that because I REMOVED the durian milk candies!
Response: Thanks! I hope it did not seem maudlin or gloomy.
Response: Glad you like the milk tea mix! I can only find it at one Asian grocery here, I have seen it nowhere else. It is potent stuff - two cups in a row will make your teeth ache!
Response: I had to respond because I'm drinking some of that apple-cinnamon tea right now! Glad you liked it. :)