Fives ratings for klover
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Response: usps tracking #:9405530109355120984645
Pease check your messages and email:-)
Response: you're welcome. Have a great day!:-)
Response: you;re welcome. have a great day:-)
Response: Please check your messages. Tracking number provided:-)
Response: Please check your messages. Thank you:-)
Response: Thank you for hosting this fun swap:-)
Response: Hi Marie:-) Please check your messages fir tracking number.
Response: you have a great day as well:-)
Response: have a great dayl:-)
Response: Re-sent with tracking. 1 will be updated when received.
Response: Hi:-)
I sent you a message. Thank you.
Response: That's awesome!
I guess some of us have ways of manifesting what we want. You didn't want to send those cards and you got them back:-)
Response: Hi Debbee:-)
Youre very welcome:-). Have a good evening:-)
Tracking #9405503699300724563781
Response: Your welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome. I had fun putting your package togeather for you:-).
Response: I thought it funny as well. At first I thought she was showing off her new air conditioner, until I flipped it over and saw the small print in the left hand corner, "I have wanted these curtains my while life". lol
have a great:}
Response: You're elcome:-)
Have a great weekend!:-)
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: I'm glad it made to you:-). Have a great weekend!:-)♡
Response: Your welcome-
Have a great weekend:-)
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: You're welcome. You have a great day as well:-)
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: Wishing you a great weekend:-)
Response: You're welcome:-) Have a great day:-)
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: Your welcome:-)
Have a great day!:-)♡
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day:-)
Response: You're welcome. You have a great day as well:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
71° is not hot for MN. Hopefully your daughter doesn't mind hot summers;-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day:-)
Response: You're welcome. I used to enjoy riding AM Trak as well:-)
Have a great day!:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you liked your pc. Have a great day!:-)
Response: Your welcome:-)
Response: Have a great weekend!:-)
Response: Hi Rosa. Messaging you. I did not know you had not received this. Please check your messages. Re-sending Christmas card.
Response: You're welcome. Happy it finally made it's way to you. :-). Take care and stay safe.📂
Response: Have a great evening! :-)
Response: you are welcome. Have a great evening:-)📂
Response: you're welcome. I am glad you received one of the two:-). The USPS has been off it's game for sometime now. I hope they figure out a way to get and keep mail moving while staying safe and healthy.
Have a blessed new year!📂
Response: You're welcome. I'm glad they got to you in Hawaii and have a great year!📂
Response: you're welcome. I am glad you received it. Have a great new year!📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great 2021!
Response: you,re welcome. Have a great new year!📂
Response: Have a hreat 2021!📂
Response: you're welcome. Feel better soon.
Response: you're welcome. Have a great new year!📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great new year!📂
Response: you're welcome. Wishing you a blessed new year. Happy 2021🎉
Response: You're welcome. I hope you like what I sent. Happy crafting! Have a blessed new year!.
Response: you're welcome. Happy new year to you as well.
Response: you're welcome. Wishing you a blessed New Year!
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: Yes, I did send. I am only waiting on one other person to rate and then all are accounted for.
Response: have a blessed new year!📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great day:-)📂.
Response: you're welcome.📂
Happy new year to you as well!🎉
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: you're welcome. Glad you like them. Have a blessed new year!📂
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: Happy holidays to you as well.
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: you're welcome. I am glad you received them:-)📂
Response: Hi Brenda. I messaged you. I re-sent Monday. (I did not know until Dec. 4th that you had not received). I did mail on time. I do not have control over when the post offices mails or postmarks something that I drop off.
Response: you're welcome. Have a great holiday and a blessed new year!📂
Response: Have a great weekend:-)📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great day!📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great evening:-)📂
Response: You're welcome for the card. Thank you for not rating me down. I appreciate your kindness.
Since the start of November, my mail here in Minneapolis has very unreliable. I have run into more mail hiccups in the last three weeks than I ever have. And I have been swapping for over 10 years.
Thank you and have a blessed evening:-)📂
Response: you're welcome. May you have a blessed holiday and new year.📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great evening!📂
Response: your welcome. I thought that postcard was pretty. And yes, I never travel without my antacids. LOL📂
Response: Hi Brenda
I sent on the agreed date. Please check your messages. Thank you. (I will also be communicating with the Hopkins post office).
Response: Hi Brenda
your welcome. I just re-sent another one this morning. lol. I am going to be getting them dated right at the post office from counter front now on.📂
Response: Have a merry christmas and a happy new year!📂
Response: happy new year!📂
Response: you're welcome. 📂
Response: Have a merry christmas and a happy new year!📂
Response: Happy new year!📂
Response: you're welcome. 📂
Response: you're welcome, have a great evening!📂
Response: Im glad you understand. lol. I just felt I had to explain myself, re: gift card christmas card. lol.📂
Response: you are welcome.📂
Response: you are very welcome. Have a great day!📂
Response: you're welcome. I thought maybe you could put the big one in a snowboot❄️. LOL.
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great holiday!📂
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: you're welcome.
Response: you're welcome. Have a happy new year:-)📂
Response: you're welcome📂
Response: Glad you like them. Have a hreat day:-)📂
Response: you're welcome. Happy holidays and a wonderful New Year!📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great evening and happy swapping!📂
Response: I am not crazy about frogs either. Eeek.......LOL Have a great evening and happy swapping!📂
Response: You are welcome. When I saw in your profile you were making an Alice journal, I knew you would give these a good home:-)
Response: you're welcome. Happy thanksgiving to you as well.📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping.
Response: you're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: have a great day📂
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and Happy thanksgiving!📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and Happy thanksgiving!📂
Response: I am sorry to hear that the hungry Post office machine ate it:-(. I will go through my halloween vintage PC's and find another for you. I will send it in an envelope. And yes, I agree, pc's are taking alot longer than typical.
Response: You're welcome! Have a great Thanksgiving!📂
Response: you're welcome📂
Response: you're welcome. Glad he likes them:-)📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: you're welcome📂
Response: 📂you're welcome, have a great evening!
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: Your welcome. Hope you had a great hallowee!📂
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great evening!📂
Response: you're welcome.📂
Response: I sent you a message. please check your messages. Thank you.
Response: you're welcome. Have a great evening!📂
Response: Your welcome. Happy Fall to you as swell.📂
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome. Have a great evening:-)📂
Response: you're welcome📂
Response: I'm glad you liked them. Have a great day!:-)📂
Response: You're welcome. I tried to stick to your profile the best I could. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: you're welcome:-)📂
Response: I wear xs to small depending on the material. Message me, we could do a trade swap if the leggings would work for me. perhaps I could get you cool leggings in a different size?.📂
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Happy halloween to you as well:-)📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. I love halloween as well. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: you are so welcome:-). I am sooo glad it finally arrived. That re-news my faith in the USPS a little more. The envelope was damaged?:-(.
Response: You're welcome. Yes, I agree, that little mouse is cute, but they still give me the heebie geebies. lol. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. I am just starting to get into true vintage postcards. My collection is slowly growing.:-). Have a great day and happy swapping:-)📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Stay safe and healthy. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great!
Response: I think alot of people are feady for Fall. It has been a strange year indeed.
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome.📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)📂
Response: You're welcome! Glad I could bring you smiles😀. Have a great day and Happy halloween to you as well🎃👻🕸!📂
Response: You're welcome. Have an awesome day!
Response: You're welcome. Happy hallowwen season!🎃👻🕸
Response: You're welcome:-). I just sent two more swaps out to you this weekend. Lol.
Response: You're welcome. I tried to think outside of the box. You enjoy your Autumn as well🍂🍁. Have a great day! Hugs.
Response: You're welcome. Glad to bring smiles to your mailbox. After all, that is what swapping is all about, sending smiles across the miles😊.📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great day and a wonderful Fall🍁🍂🍁.
Response: You're welcome. Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: I am glad you liked it:-). Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You are welcome:-). I am happy to hear that Margo likes her fairy postcard. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome:-). I am happy to have found a good home the Owl! Have a great day.
Response: You're welcome.
The cooler temperatures are nice.
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome. Glad you like your PC.📂
Response: You're welcome for the beach scene PC. I am ready to get back to life! Have a great day and stay healthy.
Response: You're welcome.
I miss my family as well. This has been a strange year for alot people. Have a great day and stay healthy.
Response: You're welcome. Happy Halloween!🎃🕸👻📂
Response: You're welcome. Stay safe and healthy. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome. We had Fall temps. this past week, it looks as though warmer temps. for next week.
Response: You're welcome. I like her too. She seemed to have been a classy lady. Have a great day and stay healthy.
Response: You're very welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: Hello:-). I hope our winter is mild this year as well. Happy swapping and stay healthy?
Response: You're welcome. The temps. are dropping, Fall is finally upon us.:-). I love watching the leaves change.
Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome:-). I like these swaps as well. They are fun to do🙂. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome.
Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome:-)📂
Response: You're welcome:-)📂
Response: I am glad you liked them. I always read profiles. I dont always have a pc that fits everything, but if its in my collection, i send it. Sorry about forgetting the swap name.:-/. Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome:-). Have a good evening and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome. Happy Fall!🍂🍁.
Response: You're welcome. Those postcards, I have found, color up nicely with alcohol based blending markers or water color pencils. I am working adding some more black and white postcard photography to my pc's. lol.
Response: You're welcome:-)📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great evening and happy swapping!
Response: I look forward to Fall. It is my favorite season:-). Have a great evening and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome:-). I am glad you liked. I agree, it is interesting to see what others find unattractive in a postcard. I have received many gems in the ugly pc swaps:-). Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome. Yes, It made me curious as well. lol. it is just something I have noticed; almost always send to the East coast, same three states. Things that make you go
Response: You are very welcome:-). I knew when I read your profile, the Rhino🦏 was going to a good home:-) Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome:-). I knew when I saw that postcard and pulled it out of my collection, it was going to a good home📚. Have a great evening and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy halloween journaling!🎃👻🕸📓📂
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!🌸🌼🍁🌻
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy halloween to you as well.🎃👻🕸📂
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome! I am glad you liked the mermaid pc and kitty card. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: LOL! Have a great day and happy swapping!📂📚
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! I am hoping my Fall mums get to bloom:-) Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and a happy halloween!🎃👻📂
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! I am glad you like them. I agree, what to send is always the question;-). Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)📂
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)📂
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)📂
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)📂
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-). Stay safe and healthy!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)📂
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping neighbor!
Response: You're welcome! This week is like fall, next weekback up into the 80's. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: you're welcome:-). 📂
Response: you're welcome:-)📂
Response: You're welcome:-). Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome:-). Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: You're welcome:-). Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! And I am enjoying the fall like weather. Next week back up into the 80's. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: You're welcome:-). I was hoping you did not have that ocean fish for your collection yet. Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're very welcome. Have a good evening:-)📂
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-) 📂
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day and happy swapping:-)📂
Response: Have a great day and happy travels!📂
Response: It was a good book. I would definitely read another one from the series.📚📂. Have a good evening and happy reading!
Response: Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: you're welcome:-). I love that one too! Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're very welcome:-). My goal is to bring smiles to peoples faces😀. I love to read profiles and send what I have on hand. That is so awesome that you make necklaces for that purpose! Bless you and have a great day!📂
Response: You're welcome:-). Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: you're welcome:-). Have a great day!
Response: you're welcome:-). Have a great day!
Response: you're welcome:-). Have a great day!
Response: you're welcome:-). Have a great day!
Response: you're welcome! Have a great day:-)📂
Response: you're welcome:-). Have a great day!
Response: you're welcome:-). Have a great day!
Response: you are very welcome. With everything going on in the world this year, my main goal is to bring smiles to everybody:-). Glad you like what I chose. Have a great day and happy creating!📂
Response: You're welcome. Glad you like them:-)📂
Response: You are very welcome:-). I made sure all the fun paper coordinated and sent the colors of glitter paper I had on hand. Happy creating and have a spatkly day🦄🌈📂.
Response: You're welcome. I enjoy reading profiles and pulling stuff accordingly. Especially with this year being so unusual with covid and such, I aim to bring smiles to my swap partner. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: Yah, I'm old school Disney. lol
Response: Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: Have a great day!📂
Response: Disney movies are fun🙃📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great day!📂
Response: you're very welcome:-). I am glad you enjoyed what I sent. Have a great day and happy swapping! 📂
Response: you're welcome. Have a great day and happy swapping!📂
Response: you're welcome:-) That matte silver was the clostest I had on hand to gray aside from the mini roll with the hearts.📂
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-). You have a great day as well.
Response: You're very welcome:-) Did I send you the punk rock dog?
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: You are very welcome:-). I am a huge fan of old school alice in wonderland(lewis carrol style). I just recently watched the Johnny Depp version of Alice in Wonderland and Through the looking glass. It is so colorful! I am starting a junk journal, Johnny Depp style Alice. Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome:-). Have a great day!
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: My niece and nephew helped me with the jokes:-). They think they are hilarious jokes. LOL. The innocence of kids:-). They are able to laugh at the silliest things, even jokes that make us adults groan. Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You are very welcome. It took me a little while, but I wanted to be sure to add fine details. I am glad you like it. Thank you for being patient. You have a blessed day as well.
Response: You're welcome:-)📂
Response: You're welcome. Happy to hear you are feeling better.
Response: You're welcome:-). Have a great day.
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: Have a great day:-)📂
Response: you're welcome:-)📂
Response: you're welcome:-)📂
Response: Your very welcome:-) 📂
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-). Yes, I have heard alot of people say they are having problems with the mail this summer.
Response: you're very welcome:-). Have a great day and happy crafting!
Response: Yes, these are fun:-). I enjoy doing them:-)
Response: Have a great day:-)
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-)📂
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: I agree. I always find these interesting and fun. Have a great day!
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-). Y ou have a great day as well!
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: Thank you for your kind words regarding my Mom. I am glad you received this swap. Perphaps it was meant to be this way, as I recently acquired the 3-D carnations post card. When I saw you liked carnations, I knew I was sending it to the right home:-). Glad you liked the fairy PC as well. Take care and happy swapping!
Response: Have a great day!
Response: you're welcome:-). And yes, 90's are warm for me as well. We are having a record breaking summer with so many days in the 90's.
Response: you're very welcome:-). I am glad you like them🌸. Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-). Have a great day!
Response: You are so welcome. Thank you for your patience and not giving up on me. Happy crafting!
Response: I am glad you liked it. Have a great day!
Response: you are very welcome! My pleasure:-). Thank you for not giving up on me during my current life turbulance that I have been experiencing. Have a great day and Happy crafting:-).
Response: sounds like our MN winters. Very cold. Have a good day:-)
Response: Re-send has been mailed. Please check your messages for tracking number.
Response: your very welcome. I have little faith in our mail system right now. I hope the original surfaces at some point. I knew you would get it with Amazon. Have a great day and happy swapping:-)
Response: Love thunderstorms
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: have a great day!
Response: you're welcome:-)📂
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: Everything pushed back here as well. Hopefully soon, we will get some normalcy.
Response: you are very welcome. Glad you liked them. Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome:-)📂
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: you are welcome. Glad you liked what I re sent. I am sorry to hear your kiddos wont be able to go to camp this summer:-(. Our mail and garbage pick up are inconsistent as well right now.
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: have a great day!
Response: Your welcome:-)📂
Response: Your welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: your welcome. I am glad you liked them. I like these larger swaps too. I gain awesome postcards and sometimes postcards I don't have that I can use for other swaps.
Response: LOL! That was a fun swap:-). The one that was sent to me, went to my neighbor first, she is 84 years old! She brought it over and couldnt look me in the eye. LOL!!!
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: I am glad you like it:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: Hopefully you will get there again soon:-)
Response: I like her too. Have a good day:-)
Response: you're very welcome! Things have been crazy here in Minneapolis, MN! Im glad you got them.
Response: You're welcomed!
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You are very welcome:-). Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: you are welcome. I am glad this reached you. Yes, i agree, mail has been VERY unpredictable the last few months.📂
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: I am glad it prompted a great conversation. Happy swapping.
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: you're welcome. I try to seal every swap. You never know what the swap will encounter before getting to its destination.📂
Response: you're very welcome! I'm glad it made it to you in Singapore. With fewer flights now, international mail is taking a long time. Stay well. Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: Your welcome:-)
Response: eight inches of snow! Wow! I have nothing to complain about. I hope your snow melts soon.
Response: Awesome! Glad you liked the cards I chose. happy swapping!
Response: your very welcome:-). you're not alone, I think alot of us are trying to get caught up and getting better at rating in a more timely manner. I know i am! i was out of state for six weeks caring for my mom post stroke. Still catching up on my ratings. Have a great day and happy swapping!
Response: your very welcome:-)
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: I sent you a message. I was able to finally send this past sat., march 31, It has not quit been a week. please see message. Thank you.
Response: You're welcome:-)
Response: Your very welcome. Happy to send something from your wish list:-) Stay safe and healthy.
Response: Sending a second zipper sticker book tomorrow per our messaged conversation. Thank you.
Response: i will re-send tomorrow morning. Thank you for re-rating after receiving.
Response: oh dear! :-/. I will send you a notecard. Sorry about that:-/
Response: I'm glad you liked the letter sets. My niece loves to help.:-) she is a future swapper/crafter in the making. LOL. Have a blessed day♡.
Response: Your welcome:-)📂
Response: Your welcome. I just thought I would re send just in case. I'm glad you received this one.♡
Response: Your welcome:-) May the pot of gold button bring you good luck♡. :-)📂
Response: Your welcome:-) Happy belated St. Patty's day♡.
Response: Your welcome:-)📂
Response: Your very welcome:-) Stay healthy and Spring is right around the corner.
Response: you're welcome:-)