Hearts ratings for Rosa1
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Response: Oh, I'm glad you like it ~ I was worried!
Response: Yes! I love Crayola crayons!! I also always pick up the Coffee News and I like their little recipes...
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: glad you liked it ~ was fun to make :)
Response: You’re very welcome!
Response: You’re very welcome - happy spring!
Response: You’re so very welcome! Enjoy the papers 🙂
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you are very welcome!
Response: glad you like it! it was lots of fun to make
Response: I'm glad you liked it!
Response: Oh, I'm so glad! Enjoy :)
Response: Oh glad it made it safely!
Response: Oh I'm so glad!
Response: thank you so much! glad you liked it!
Response: So glad you like it! Merry Christmas!
Response: So glad you liked it!
Response: so glad it finally arrived!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: I collect Tarot cards and love all forms of divination! And yes, you probably should have sold dice - you could swap a larger set in the bag - I used those itty bits for mailing! Have fun!
Response: you're very welcome ~ Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome! and feel better...
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: glad it finally arrived! (I think I'll make it!)
Response: so glad! our trees are going to look so nice!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: you are so very welcome!
Response: so glad you like it! :)
Response: Oh I'm so happy you like them! Yes, I'll admit I drew them ~ I tried anyway! Glad you can use the papers too... you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: I enjoyed them - thanks!
Response: Oh I'm so glad you like it! You've single handedly gotten me hooked!
Response: I know you'll all like the bread ~ it in no way tastes like pork and beans!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: I'm enjoying this swap :)
Response: So glad you like them! (part of the reason I've been making lightweight ornaments is that's all my tree will support!)
Response: You're very welcome ~ Happy Autumn!
Response: So glad you like them!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: Hope your Friday the 13th went well!
Response: you're very welcome! and Maine is really just a big small town :)
Response: thanks! and you're welcome!
Response: I'm so glad ~ you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome
Response: Well, I'm liking it so far :)
Response: You are welcome!
Response: you're very welcome :)
Response: you are so very welcome ~ it was fun to make for you!
Response: Welcome - I'm happy you like him!
Response: You're so very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome :)
Response: you're very welcome
Response: you're very welcome, and Thank you!
Response: Oh my word!! I love your wording so much <3 "abandoned humans" Glad you like it!!
Response: so glad you like them!
Response: you're welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: I know I'm going to try it!
Response: I agree ~ sometimes we forget :(
Response: you're so very welcome!
Response: I'm not sure! (came from a bag of papers from thrift shop!)
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: Great! I love this swap :)
Response: so happy you like it!
Response: All the handwritten recipes are tried and true from my own recipe journal ~ with plenty of room for your favorites too! So happy you like the little journal; enjoy it in good health!! :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: I've also made that with ground turkey ~ still awesome easy dinner!
Response: enjoy ~ it's an awesome easy cake!
Response: you're very welcome! hope he likes them!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: Wow, I know some animals can't eat it, but I love the scent!! Hope you get some rain soon ~ enjoy your summer!
Response: Hope it arrived in good condition...
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: Yes I did! thanks!! So glad you liked it :)
Response: you'll love it ~ so easy and good!
Response: this will work with TVP :)
Response: what a wonderful offer ~ sounds like you have a great job you enjoy too! thank you for the heart also! I love paper and trying new projects...
Response: enjoy! My guess is that if he doesn't see you smash them and bake them ~ he'll never know!! (you can even bake them a few minutes longer; just makes them more dry and like typical brownies!) Have fun!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome! Enjoy!
Response: you're very welcome ~ so glad you liked them!
Response: Well, I hope you can make it your own! I just love all the papers... and the coffee News is such good paper :) Enjoy!
Response: so glad you like it!
Response: you're welcome! Have fun decorating it your way :)
Response: you"re welcome! we got another 18" and I just got my power back again...
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: so glad you liked it! You're very welcome!
Response: it was fun & you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome & yes I did use wallpaper
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: I always like to find something in a profile... :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome - they were fun!
Response: and Merry Christmas to you!
Response: Oh I'm so glad you like it! I was worried...
Response: thank you! so glad you liked it...
Response: thank you! glad you liked it; was one of my own coloring pages :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: Wow! the mysteries of the USPS :)
Response: you're very welcome
Response: you're welcome, and thanks!
Response: Thank you so much for the 5 and heart! I'm so sorry it took so long... still haven't found the original either!
Response: so glad you like it!
Response: you're very welcome - I also sent an email... if it went to spam, let me know & I'll just resend :)
Response: you're very welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: You're very welcome ~ thank you for the heart also!
Response: You're very welcome... and Thank You!
Response: Love that ~ I always cheer for the Sox and whoever's against the Yankees :) When I was a kid the Brooklyn Dodgers went to CA, and they're still a favorite too... I was in AZ once and I must say i enjoyed myself - it was in May, but i truly missed the green. Very little green out there!
Response: they're awesome!
Response: happy you like them!
Response: you're so very welcome!
Response: so glad you liked it!
Response: You're welcome & so happy you can find a use for some of it!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome! Enjoy!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: I'm so glad! I tried, enjoy <3
Response: you're very welcome ~ was fun to make :)
Response: So happy you liked them ~ they were so much fun to create! We are having a nor' easter (snowstorm ) this weekend! Enjoy your spring!!
Response: so glad you liked them ~ enjoy your spring and stay safe!
Response: So glad you liked it! It was fun to do :)
Response: You're welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: You are so welcome! I always worry about my style of "junque" journaling :)
Response: you are very welcome!
Response: I'm happy then!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You're so very welcome - did you get the email I sent?
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: she did good making it! Hope you enjoy working in it ~ I did!
Response: so glad you liked them!
Response: you're so very welcome! I love the little danglies :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: so glad you like it!
Response: Thank you ~ I always worry but I love to recycle...
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: so glad you like it! Have fun journaling :)
Response: you're welcome ~ happy new year to you too!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: So glad you like it! Merry Christmas to you!
Response: Happy holidays!
Response: Happy holidays!
Response: Have a great holiday!
Response: you're welcome! yes, and happy holidays :)
Response: you're very welcome ~ happy holidays!
Response: you're welcome & Merry Christmas to you!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome ~ I tried my best :)
Response: so glad! you're very welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Enjoy...
Response: Yes, and you're very welcome! happy holidays!
Response: so glad! you're welcome!
Response: so glad you like it! you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: You also! You're so very welcome ~ so glad they made it!
Response: I enjoyed making it for you! Happy Thanksgiving...
Response: I enjoyed making it for you ~ blessings :)
Response: you're welcome ~ Happy Thanksgiving!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're so very welcome! stay safe...
Response: Enjoy your holiday!
Response: you're welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: Enjoy ~ I want to put my tree up early, usually wait until after Thanksgiving, but I'm staying here, so... :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome ~ it was fun to make :)
Response: You're welcome ~ happy holidays!!
Response: you're welcome! Happy holidays to you also!
Response: Do hope you enjoy looking through it! Stay safe out there...
Response: I'm beginning to just cut out pages I use the most (probably should have done this years ago, but was sad at the thought of cutting up this particular book) guess it's a blessing it began to fall apart!
Response: You too! so glad you liked it :)
Response: you're welcome! it was fun to make :)
Response: Ah... a kindred spirit!
Response: Aw... I doubt it! Enjoy...
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: so glad you liked them!
Response: you're welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: you're welcome ~ and you too!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: it was fun to make ~ so glad you like it!
Response: you're so very welcome
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: I'm so glad you like them! All the best...
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: thanks! it's home :)
Response: You're very welcome & enjoy! I haven't met anyone yet who didn't enjoy the pumpkin dinner ~ and it's so pretty in the presentation!
Response: Enjoy! and the bread is a favorite :)
Response: So glad you liked it, I had fun making it for the first time & will surely make more!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: me too ~ (thought I knew all about sigils, but there's always more to learn!)
Response: you're very welcome ~ Autumn Blessings to you as well...
Response: I truly recycle just about all papers :)
Response: Oh that makes me so happy! you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: Thanks! I'd never made one before ~ it was fun :)
Response: It was fun to make ~ glad you like it!
Response: me too - for you! I am really liking these cards - do you have a set?
Response: and to you also!
Response: So glad you liked it! (I really do make "junk" journals - I don't have the funds to buy excess papers!) it arrived fast too!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome - have fun!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: I liked that! Don't know about you, but mine was in June ~ it was on my mind...
Response: you're welcome!
Response: So glad you liked it ~ was fun to make!
Response: you're so very welcome! enjoy :)
Response: You're very welcome & glad you like it!
Response: Wow! I had thought you'd just forgot to rate! The mail is sooo slow ~ but glad you liked it & I'd love to swap again :)
Response: thanks - yes, in the pic of my deck, you can see the lake beyond the railing...
Response: so glad it worked! I had such a time sending from my laptop this morning!
Response: You're so very welcome ~ just happy you like it! I guess I have 2 BOS also, except one is neater & organized (and almost empty!) and the original is a huge mass of full pages, little notes and stuffed envies!
Response: so glad you liked it! you're very welcome :)
Response: I'm so glad you like it
Response: you're very welcome :)
Response: you're very welcome! ( a friend found a bag of those tickets cleaning out a cabinet at the old high school last year)
Response: it was fun - thanks :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome ~ it was fun to pull together!
Response: Oh, I'm so happy ~ I really enjoyed pulling it together for you :)
Response: You're so very welcome ~ they were such fun to make!
Response: So glad you liked it! and you're very welcome :)
Response: I'm glad ~ smiling is good :)
Response: you're so welcome!
Response: thank you! so glad you liked it :)
Response: It was so much fun to do! You are so very welcome :)
Response: You're very welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: Oh, so glad it made it! you're very welcome!
Response: Enjoy! I love cinnamon, and you're so very welcome!
Response: so glad you liked them...
Response: Happy you like it! It was a fun swap - thanks ;)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: so glad you like it! it is fun to learn a bit about collage (I'm not very good at it, but trying!)
Response: I am so happy! And relieved that you like it :) You are so very welcome!
Response: Wow, that was fast! you're welcome!
Response: Thanks! You also :)
Response: Oh good! I hope you have some fun with it ~ I have shiny new one's I'm too intimidated too work in and "ruin!" Never happens with these :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: Oh, I'm so glad! Enjoy!
Response: I'm continuing to try & it's getting a bit easier ~ only not sure if it has same meaning :) Ah well...
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome! it was fun to make - loved the little video :)
Response: Oh, I'm glad - I was worried! Enjoy...
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: yes, yes it does :)
Response: you're very welcome ~ Happy Imbolc to you
Response: You're welcome ~ it was enjoyable to do!
Response: I was worried! So glad you like it ~ I really enjoyed making it!
Response: you are so welcome ~ I had fun making it!
Response: so glad you like it ~ I enjoyed making it for you!
Response: Thanks! I love reading how we're all more alike than different :)
Response: So glad you liked them!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: it was different - never just glued collage before, usually add something else to it! you're very welcome :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: thank you ~ it was fun!
Response: haven't forgotten you - just looking for the pattern ;)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're so very welcome!
Response: Happy Yule to you :)
Response: you're welcome - Merry Christmas!
Response: Take care ~ thanks!
Response: you're welcome - Merry Christmas!
Response: Yay! Happy holidays to you too :)
Response: You also! Hope it's amazing!
Response: Enjoy! Happy Holidays!!
Response: and to you too :)
Response: Wow, my heart breaks for you going through that :( hopefully all is well now ~
Response: you're welcome!
Response: You're very welcome ~ and thank you! Have a great Christmas!
Response: You're so welcome! Enjoy :)
Response: I did try a Pioneer Woman recipe & it was great! Merry Christmas to you!
Response: you're very welcome ~ it was a bit out of my comfort zone, I'm glad you like it :)
Response: Enjoy! and Merry Christmas!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome ~ enjoy! it was fun to put together :)
Response: Enjoy! and Merry Christmas!
Response: you're so very welcome! Have a wonderful holiday season!
Response: you're very welcome ~ Merry Christmas!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: You're welcome ~ Merry Christmas!
Response: So glad you like it! Merry Christmas
Response: You're so very welcome! It was fun to make - the first I ever made :)
Response: You're welcome & I know, right?!
Response: you're welcome :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome ~ hope you like it :)
Response: Glad you liked them ~ just pulled up the skelly today ~ snow tonight :( He truly did begin praying all by himself :)
Response: you're so very welcome ~ it was a lot of fun putting it together, especially as I do mostly upcycle or recycle - I rarely buy card making or scrapbooking materials...
Response: so glad you liked it! and you're welcome :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: glad you found something useful! it was fun to write up :)
Response: Thanks ~ it was fun to write :)
Response: you're very welcome! Have a great holiday!
Response: You're welcome! "The way a crow shook down on me a dust of snow" = one of the most amazing string of words <3
Response: I absolutely love his irreverence and amazing talent :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: I hope you have fun finishing it! I love using recycled papers/pages - I'm never too intimidated to work on them like in more expensive journals! and you're very welcome!
Response: Glad you like it -
Response: you're welcome ~ it was fun to make :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome! we've already had freezing weather ~ that's why the pasta in the first place warm veggie mac & cheese casserole :)
Response: You're very welcome! and that arrived quick :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome ~` enjoy!
Response: You're very welcome! and... we're getting there!
Response: you're welcome! Happy Halloween!!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you are very welcome!
Response: you're welcome ~ it was fun to learn a new "skill!"
Response: you're very welcome ~ I use most all of them :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: :) my favorite fall poem - the kids in my classroom loved to hear it read aloud!
Response: you're so very welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome! they were fun to make -:)
Response: so glad you liked it ~ and that pumpkin bread is awesome :) Enjoy!
Response: thanks ~ it was fun to fill out :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: Oh, have fun ~ I love my pendulum (or even anything else when I don't have it with me!) I've used a washer on a string in a pinch!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: wow - that was quick! and you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome ~ have a great summer!
Response: glad you like it :)
Response: you're very welcome - I also learned a lot about him :) interesting man for sure...
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: they were & you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: you're very welcome ~ all things we regularly do!!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome & thanks! ~ the pattern in the zine makes that heart :)
Response: Yay! Lots of people see my line and say they don't know why they only put one up for Christmas cards! Happy baking :)
Response: I am so happy you liked it ~ enjoy!
Response: so glad you like it!
Response: I asked the host and she said a handmade book was fine. Glad you like it
Response: you're welcome!
Response: You're very welcome!!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: So glad you liked it! I do love the colors and design of that scarf... enjoy!
Response: they were mostly kids :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked the page ~ it was so meaningful to me to make & thank you for creating such a thought-provoking swap. I really enjoyed it...
Response: I'm so glad ~ blessings :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome ~ glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You're very welcome! I'm so glad you like it ~ I always worry a little as I do upcycle just about everything! I do miss them when they're finished ;)
Response: I was a little worried as an upcycled journal from me is truly "upcycled!" I'm glad you enjoyed it & I'd love to do another swap with you :) Just let me know...
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it ~ I always worry so... you are very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: I drink the bouillon from a mug all the time ~ enjoy!!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: Glad you liked them! I copied the one style I had :)
Response: so glad you like it ~ enjoy!
Response: you're welcome ~ it must have been due to all the snow storms, although the USPS doesn't usually need an excuse for slow mail!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome ~ feel better :)
Response: you are welcome! (I just keep mine in a bag :) )
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: Thanks ~ they were fun to do :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: I'm so glad you like it ~ I was a little worried as I make them each month... I use all recycled materials and I do miss them when they're finished ~ I'm glad it has a nice home :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome ~ I think they've stopped making those cookies & I loved them!
Response: You're welcome ~ I enjoy this swap ;)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: wishing you an Amazing new year too!
Response: you're very welcome! Merry Christmas too!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Have a wonderful holiday!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: I'm glad! it was fun & a learning experience too!
Response: Happy Hanukkah!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: I know right?! I plan on having a tea every evening :) You're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: Enjoy! And she may already read a few of them is she likes mysteries :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome & I'm sure I will!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome - Happy Thanksgiving!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! it was fun to make for you :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You're welcome (I've saved all mine too :) )
Response: You're welcome!
Response: you're welcome! I popped a balloon (just had to try it!) a few weeks ago when I bought them & it's still inflated!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome! I'm still lucky enough to have friends in my life who enjoy a dinner and game night :)
Response: I hope you do enjoy... later! I took most of it from your profile, so... :) you are very welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome :)
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Glad you like it ;)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you are very welcome :)
Response: You're very welcome! I loved making it :)
Response: Thank you! still haven't turned up & neither has my plumber to install my sink! My house is a mess :(
Response: you're welcome!
Response: :) you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: It was in the cards! It's always a little confusing when other "people" turn up in the spread :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: easiest way to mail 3D items when you don't have a little box :)
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: Yes! I love to crochet, but now I'm only good for an hour or so... It was fun to kind of clarify just 8 things :)
Response: you're welcome - such a fun swap!
Response: I did! I used to live on a 34' cabin cruiser :)
Response: I use the strawberry hummus for crackers, but you could use either!
Response: I love books ~` enjoy :)
Response: Good luck! You have the right spirit though :)
Response: You're very welcome ~ since the mills are shutting down, we're finding huge spools of this type of wool pretty cheaply now; they turn up at thrift and consignment shops...
Response: you're welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: Great ~ I'll never forget the first time I sat in a real restaurant by myself; after the initial wave of feeling on display (I realized no one was looking nor did they care!) and it as so liberating!!
Response: you're welcome ~ and enjoy!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome ~
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: Nice ~ love when the universe conspires...
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: thanks ~ that was quick too!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: Enjoy - they're all good :)
Response: You're welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: thank~ that arrived fast :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: glad you liked! the man song is too funny - not political correct anymore, but still fun :)
Response: thanks - love the trivia!
Response: thanks! and you're welcome :)
Response: you're welcome! ~ I love to doodle :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: will mail soon!
Response: I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: glad you liked it!
Response: Hope you enjoy :)
Response: you're welcome!
Response: so glad you enjoyed it! it was fun to put together
Response: Thanks for swapping with me ~ it was fun to put together...
Response: Glad you like it!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: glad you enjoyed it! all the animals I live are a bit odd :) When it's nice out we all; the dog and three cats walk the mile to the mailbox! -no leashes here!- my friends think it's strange that when I go hike off into the woods, the cat comes along too!
Response: you're welcome ~ enjoy!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: I love his books - some more than others, but they've all been good reads!
Response: so glad you received & enjoyed it :)
Response: you're welcome - enjoy!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: I'm glad ~ you're welcome!
Response: glad it was all helpful ~ I use pages from an old hymnal that was falling apart for art journal and collage etc...
Response: Hope you enjoy!
Response: Hah! I'm all about recycling! I hope you enjoy :)
Response: read your profile :) you are welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: so glad it was okay! all stuff I use in art collage & journals, atc's etc :)
Response: you're welcome :)
Response: you're welcome! the recipes were a boxed set that I was given as a gift & I know I will never make some of them, so I'm sharing...
Response: You too! enjoy :)
Response: glad you like it! I used reg Sharpies over gesso & then an acrylic glaze over that...
Response: So sorry ~ wishing you good health in 2018 ` happy New Year!
Response: Glad you like them and Happy New Year to you too!
Response: you are welcome - I am a Sudoku fiend too :)
Response: Glad you like them!
Response: so glad you like them ~Happy Holidays!